Are there any signs that this plant is overwatered?

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If you notice any yellowing leaves, drooping leaves, brown spores, or soggy soil or a foul odor, don't fret! These are all signs that your plant might need a little TLC. Try reducing watering, checking the roots, moving the pot, and improving drainage by providing holes in the pot. With a little care, your plant will be back to its vibrant self in no time!

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It's so easy to overwater these lovely plants! You'll know if you've done it by looking at their leaves. They'll start to yellow, and you might see some fungal growth or root rot.

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If you know your plant will be overwatered, you can immediately change the drainage and make a great choice for its sustainability! You can use a mixture of soil from peat moss, perlite, orchid bark, and coco coir in a 2:1:1 ratio. This will help your plant thrive!

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